Louisville's Junior Auxiliary's annual Charity Ball is quickly approaching. The event is March 1st at the Pine Ridge Lodge at Lake Tiak O'Khata. Doors open at 6pm.
Hayden Kilgore, president of JA of Louisville, had this to say about the event, "In 2024 we condensed our fundraising down to one big event, which is charity ball. All money raised this night sustains us throughout the entire year. With these funds we are able to provide caps and gowns to seniors in Winston county, send children to MS College for dyslexia testing, purchase new school clothes for families in need, partner with CPS, and the list goes on. The public gets to see a lot of the fun things we do like Touch A Truck and the Easter Egg Hunt, but Charity Ball gives Junior Auxiliary a chance to showcase our behind the scenes work for everyone to get a better picture about who we are and what we do for the community."
The following was taken from the Junior Auxiliary of Louisville Facebook's page, "The Junior Auxiliary of Louisville Charity Ball is an annual event organized, designed, marketed and presented by the active and provisional members of JA of Louisville!
The proceeds from Charity Ball fund our numerous projects throughout the year, and is a big lifeline for us!
Charity Ball is a great way for us to show up for our community, show our why we do what we do, and show who we serve! We want to thank our supporters and our sponsors that they help us to serve the children in our community!"
If you are interested in attending the Charity Ball on March 1st or if you're not able to attend but would like to donate to help JA's efforts please reach out to a local JA member.